Jocelyn Is Grateful To Manifest Healthy Relationships


Over the course of the past year, I have been deepening and developing relationships that feel like answered prayers (and they totally are). It's no coincidence that the year I begin to manifest healthy relationships in my life that are good for my mind, body, and Spirit, followed the couple of years I spent turning inward. Though I still have so much to learn about healthy relationships and about my own Self, I've gotten to a point where I feel confident enough to have this conversation with you about attracting the healthy relationships you deeply desire and deserve.

In this episode, I share my reflections and realizations regarding manifesting healthy relationships. I also share a bit about my past relationships and why it's important we observe those. Other topics I touch on in this conversation include: inner-child healing, feeling grateful for unhealthy relationships, subconscious programming and conditioning, shadow work, turning inward, feeling overwhelmed, being patient, and more! There are some affirmations for you in the end, too.


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