Doug Stevenson Is Grateful For Unanswered Prayers
Being in a state of transition isn't always easy, comfortable, or even desired. Sometimes we don't want to transition from where we are. Other times we have no idea where we're transitioning to. And for Doug Stevenson who recently transitioned into retirement, being in a state of transition is a state worth being present for and receptive to.
Retiring from a successful few decades of coaching Storytelling/Keynote Speakers at first felt forced upon Doug. He had planned on retiring soon but not now. However, life had other plans - as it often does. Now that Doug has settled into this new season of his life, he has had the space and time to reflect on all of his life transitions, all of the times he felt resistant to them, and just how divinely aligned they all actually were.
In this conversation, Doug and I expand on his life and all the unanswered prayers he's grateful for, all the letting go and surrendering he had to do, all the divinity that was at play, and the lessons he learned along the way. This is an inspiring and affirmative conversation for those who find themselves in the midst of unknowns and uncertainty, for those who enjoy hearing about synchronicities and happy endings, for those who need to know that all is working in their favor.
Topics we touch on in this conversation include (but are not limited to):
lessons for soul development
practicing non-attachment
desires of the ego
taking the first step
the importance of being vulnerable
having courage
letting go of identities
losing your Self
aligning with your soulmate/life partner
the healing journey
Listen to Dougs podcast Storytelling that Sticks for Business and Life available on all podcast platforms!
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