Junae Brown Is Grateful For The Power Of Forgiveness


Junae Brown's expression of gratitude for the power of forgiveness and self-awareness led to  an episode on acknowledging both sides of every story, on acknowledging that we are all human, and (ultimately) on acknowledging the importance of acknowledging. We are all healing from something and we all require different needs to progress our healing journey, so how do we navigate this world of much needed healing? How do we maintain a healthy Self and healthy relationships?

It's important to note that you show up as your best Self when you prioritize showing up for your Self, when you prioritize being curious about yourself with the intention to gain Self-awareness. The first step towards any kind of growth... is awareness. Junae and I expand on this, as well as the importance of celebrating the seemingly simplicity of awareness - amongst other important topics revolving mindfulness of this human experience.

Junae Brown is the "Beyoncé of Marketing". She is the Founder of Browned 2 Perfection, which is a creative marketing and events company that helps clients establish brand DNA and tap into their true target audience. You can follow Junae for marketing tips and inspirational Tweets here.

Some of the main topics we touch on in this episode include:

  • the power of forgiveness

  • the importance of self-forgiveness

  • how self-awareness helps every aspect of your life

  • being curious about your way of being

  • leadership and wellness

  • acknowledging feelings

  • apology languages are worth learning about like love languages

  • being solution-oriented

  • how the relationships around us matter

  • allowing yourself to be cared for

  • marketing wellness


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Jocelyn Is Grateful For Her 27-Year-Old Self


Jocelyn Is Grateful For Her Capacity To Hold Safe Space