Tiana Bryant Is Grateful For Love Overall


Another conversation between kindred spirits, Tiana Bryant is a contagious light of gentleness, understanding, and genuine kindness. We have been following each other on socials for a while and we always felt called to each other's energy and spirit, as if we'd already known each other as good friends. This is our very first full conversation and I am so grateful for it and for Tiana's vulnerability to share her experience, her awareness, and her perspective.

You may follow Tiana and her journey @tianabrynt on Instagram :)

In this episode, we discuss topics including but not limited to: what is Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and Tiana's experience with it, coping with depression and anxiety, overcoming intrusive thoughts and what they look like, ritualizing self-care, the importance of exploring your body and understanding your emotions, taking medicinal microdoses of psilocybin (shrooms), and more.

I, myself, learned so much from this conversation and as I continue to listen to it over and over again, I am led to self-inquiry in gentle and expansive ways. I hope you are led to (self)discovery, as well.

If you feel you are experiencing PMDD, I encourage you to dive into more research and consult with your doctor if you are able! If you are experiencing depression and/or anxiety, gentle reminder that you are not your thoughts and you are very much so loved and purposeful. Please try to seek out a safe space with a loved one and express yourself.

All that is mentioned in this episode is rooted in personal experience. Consult a professional, as needed.


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